California Planning Roundtable
Mission: California Planning Roundtable advances planning practice and influences policy through innovation and leadership to create healthy, prosperous and equitable communities. We are a resource for policy exploration, innovation and development for California planning to enhance the sustainability, equity and livability of California communities. CPR focuses on emerging policy issues with cutting edge solutions. Since our founding in 1981, the California Planning Roundtable has promoted inclusive communities and the importance that city and regional planning plays. Still, we acknowledge that planning policies, zoning that implements those policies, and public investment in facilities and infrastructure have had a history of both segregation and integration. We resist the former and embrace the latter for more equitable outcomes. In this spirit, the California Planning Roundtable seeks to overcome inequities that are a consequence of prejudice and recognize that Black Lives Matter.About UsOverview, History and Membership
ProjectsOngoing work of the Roundtable
PublicationsWhat we've published
ResourcesFor planners and administrators

Promoting Effective Planning

CPR is committed to enhancing essential planning skills for practicing planners to promote effective planning. To accomplish this goal, CPR will offer interactive sessions and workshops at the APA California conference and other possible venues on core skills that may not be taught in typical planning curriculums,but are usually "lessons learned" through direct work experience. Possible workshop topics include strategic thinking, communication skills, project management, and effective community engagement and education.
What's New
The latest from the RoundtableLeadership Academy
The California Planning Roundtable Planning Leadership Academy is a professional development program created to help planners prepare for leadership roles in their organizations. Through the program, participants will gain knowledge and skills in leadership, organizational dynamics, communication, and career planning to help them identify and achieve their professional goals while equipping them with tools to make even stronger contributions to their organizations. Read more about the Leadership Academy...
Voices of Impact
CPR completed a film in April 2022 that is an oral history project focused on identifying how past planning practices have impacted communities of color, described by those people who have experienced the impacts. The project looks to give voice to people who ordinarily may be reluctant to share their stories, to raise public awareness, and to suggest how planning professionals and policy makers can change their practices in response.
Planning To House California Beyond 2020
The lack of housing availability and affordability has reached crisis proportions in California. The conditions we experience today have been building over the last several decades largely due to limited production, particularly in coastal and urbanized areas. Read More...